020 3137 3719 sales@net-essence.com


Protecting your company’s critical data, hardware and software is vital in the digital age.


Security threats, including phishing attacks, destructive viruses, and malware, are an ongoing challenge for SMEs. Only a comprehensive anti-virus solution will ensure your employees can use connected devices and access tools in a safe environment. Net Essence delivers the best virus protection. We will keep spyware, rootkits, and worms at bay, while utilising anti-phishing technology to ensure sensitive passwords and information cannot be stolen.

  • Anti-virus software will safeguard your systems from numerous threats. It can also prevent and remove adware and other malicious programs. Our commitment to resilience over time gives you peace of mind. You will always be able to work without fear.
  • Viruses can take control of your connected devices and record, corrupt and delete company data. These viruses can be installed inadvertently by employees opening email attachments. Our anti-virus software will flag these attachments and any other suspicious files.
  • You can configure the level of security for your business needs. With our help, you retain full control. Our robust solutions will assess, manage, reduce and remove risks.
  • Anti-virus software will protect your files, documents, data, email threats and spam. It will ensure all of your desktop operations run to their optimum level, while protecting the details of your employees and customers.

Virus protection dovetails with our aim to deliver effective, reliable and bespoke IT support to UK-based businesses. Contact us so we can offer a cost-effective solution for you.