020 3137 3719 sales@net-essence.com


Anti-fraud software is designed to help modern enterprises detect and eliminate sophisticated criminal activity online.

There are various types of fraudulent activities that pose an ongoing threat to SMEs, including money laundering, tax fraud, identity fraud and scams. Hackers could use viruses to take control of financial accounts and steal money. Net Essence delivers the best anti-fraud software. We use digital tools to identify patterns of fraudulent activity so your data is never compromised.

  • Data is now defined as a business asset. The amount of data is set to grow considerably during the next decade due to the rise of connected devices. You need a strong and capable cyber-fraud solution that can analyse massive amounts of information.
  • We can help you to build immunity with advanced software. Fraudsters are always changing and updating their tactics, so you need to be proactive and take action to keep ahead of the curve. Our commitment to resilient solutions over time will allow you to identify and respond to fraud efficiently.
  • Analysing data at scale is crucial for highlighting novel patterns. Our internet fraud applications ensure you and your employees are always fighting fraud when interacting with data. Known patterns can be eliminated swiftly and algorithms can be used to build up resistance against specific strains of fraud.

Cyber-fraud is a major challenge in the big data era. Get in touch so we can understand how best to support your business.